About Airomee Wind
You've heard the Music of John Tesh, Yanni and Peter Nero, but now comes the best new Age/ Jazz piano the world has ever heard.
Perspective Grammy Nominee Airomee Wind started playing piano at age fourteen.
Inspired by piano greats like John Tesh, Yanni and Chip Davis, Airomee Wind has set out on a mission with his very rare talent to compose some of the best piano music the world may ever hear, bringing the world of legendary piano music down to the next generation of excellence. Unfortunately Airomee grew up in a fatherless home, with a mother, who had been very abused as a child. She was to poor to pay for piano lessons. He was forced to chase his musical dreams alone. This is why playing by ear is still one of Airomee Wind's greatest assets, and even though he employs the musicians with only the best skills the world may ever know, it is Airomee's ability to play and compose by ear that gives his music that unique or magic sound which is so captivating, that make fans keep coming back for more.
Airomee Wind's music is currently air played on radio stations from San Diego to New York. Some of these include WCVF- FM at New York State University in Fredonia, NY, Small World Podcast in San Diego and Beos Radio in the greater Milwaukee area. Reviews in the student newspaper "South End Entertianment" at Wayne State University in Boston. Three time Grammy Award winning guitarist and consultant Eugene Foley gave the music of Airomee Wind among some of the highest ratings in the industry at four and a half stars, giving the sounds quality a four star rating. He called Airomee's music "catchy".
Noteborn Music company is now in the process of placing Airomee's music in it's first of Indie films. Airomee Wind is consumed with a passion for music. He's a strong believer in composing and performing his music in a classic and stylish way that will be remembered for ages to come.
Airomee still plays solo, but his dream is to eventually have a band of about eighteen to twenty highly qualified members, plus a
a team of roadies which will include: audio/video engineers to operate stage lighting/sound and so on, setup/take down crew and for the studio and movies, music squencers and arrangers, all who love the work they do.
It is strongly believed that Airomee Wind has a very marketable image and product, a stylish fashion like B.B King. The music of Airomee Wind has that gentle nature which can sooth the savaged and yet the drums which can rock the crowd. Given appropriate help with marketing and advertising, Airomee Wind could possibly draw crowds of over 35.000 piano music lovers to any event where he would be featured.
His "by ear" music skills are top notch in the industry which make his solo performances so great, but when he assembles a band he needs members capable of properly representing the unique sound of music he's worked so hard to create. A strong belief that his music is easily capable of winning a Grammy is not to be taken lightly.
Airomee Wind was proudly accepted by Foley Entertainment on 2/1/2007 as an artist they want to promote. Airomee Wind's music is air played on iRADIOLA "indie 104FM", the world's largest internet radio station. iRADIOLA has about about 4.9 million listeners everyday.
Most recently Airomee Wind was accepted by world renowned guitartist and producer David Koons who was a former member of "Red Hot Chile Pepper", work with Led Zepplin and is now the head member of South Of Sane.
Now in 2010, Airomee Wind is being selected by Dream Media as an artist that they would like to submit for Grammy Award Nomination. On June 5th 2007 Airomee Wind's song "You Mean Everything To Me", was voted number two on the top ten charts for indie music radio.
The music of Airomee Wind is among the finest in it's class and has captured the attention of some of the most renowed people in the industry.
Whither solo or with an assembled band, only Airomee Wind can provide that one of a kind world class music and performance that your event truly deserves.
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Airomee Wind ( The Next Michael Bolton) Live
<p>Perspective Grammy Nominee Airomee Wind live at Day Murray Music. Come and watch our student talent show on June 10th at 3PM. Event will be in the recital hall of Day Murray Music on 5350 South State Street in Salt lake City.<br /><br />Airomee Wind will be singing his new Michael Bolton Style song " The Unity Song". Julie, Airomee Wind's female singer will be performing the famous Disney song "Homeward Bound" to Airomee Wind's new orchestra arrangement for the song. We will also be having various of our students show case their talent for the community. (Refreshments provided after the show)<br /><br />Showtime is: June 10th at 3PM. This event is free<br /><br />Official Airomee Wind concert is on July 8th at 7PM:<br />this is a full scale Airomee Wind style concert. This first show is free. It will be $5 per ticket for future shows.<br /><br />Please come and show your support for good music. Thank You.</p><div style="overflow: hidden; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; border: medium none;"><br />Read more: <a style="color: #003399;" href="http://www.usfreeads.com/utah/salt-lake-city/announcements/events/airomee-wind-%28the-next-micheal-bolton%29-live_2780241-cls.html#ixzz1Nzb1NhYx">http://www.usfreeads.com/utah/salt-lake-city/announcements/events/airomee-wind-(the-next-micheal-bolton)-live_2780241-cls.html#ixzz1Nzb1NhYx</a></div>
<p>Perspective Grammy Nominee Airomee Wind live at Day Murray Music. Come and watch our student talent show on June 10th at 3PM. Event will be in the recital hall of Day Murray Music on 5350 South State Street in Salt lake City.<br /><br />Airomee Wind will be singing his new Michael Bolton Style song " The Unity Song". Julie, Airomee Wind's female singer will be performing the famous Disney song "Homeward Bound" to Airomee Wind's new orchestra arrangement for the song. We will also be having various of our students show case their talent for the community. (Refreshments provided after the show)<br /><br />Showtime is: June 10th at 3PM. This event is free<br /><br />Official Airomee Wind concert is on July 8th at 7PM:<br />this is a full scale Airomee Wind style concert. This first show is free. It will be $5 per ticket for future shows.<br /><br />Please come and show your support for good music. Thank You.</p><div style="overflow: hidden; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; border: medium none;"><br />Read more: <a style="color: #003399;" href="http://www.usfreeads.com/utah/salt-lake-city/announcements/events/airomee-wind-%28the-next-micheal-bolton%29-live_2780241-cls.html#ixzz1Nzb1NhYx">http://www.usfreeads.com/utah/salt-lake-city/announcements/events/airomee-wind-(the-next-micheal-bolton)-live_2780241-cls.html#ixzz1Nzb1NhYx</a></div>