Command and Control

About Command and Control



 Biography of Lt. Colonel Raymond (Ray Charles) Dickerson

The Genius behind the Military and Music

Raymond (Ray Charles) C. Dickerson, a career US Army officer, has served his country proudly for 27 years. He volunteered to serve as the project officer and course manager/developer of the Signal Officer Captains Career Course Reserve Component as part of 442nd Signal Battalion Officer of the Education Division at Fort Gordon, GA.  Colonel Dickerson has always been a top notch administrator who has a lot of passion and love for the military as well as for his family and the community. 

 He is the youngest of ten children by parents Andrew and Leola Dickerson.  The son of a sharecropper and domestic housekeeper, he grew up Thibodaux, Louisiana. His parents instilled into their 10 children the skill set for developing and maintaining a good work ethic. More importantly they always instilled the spirit of keeping God in the forefront of their lives, and to give back to him everyday by putting your trust and faith in Gods word. Once you place your faith in God, and he becomes the leader of your life, your reward in the end will be “success”.

 After 27 years of dedication and honor to the United States Armed Forces, to his children,  family, and to the many soldiers that he has meet and assisted around the world, Colonel Dickerson used the advice of his parents and their concept of hard work and ethics to inspire others. Colonel Dickerson dedication and commitment to the military and world causes such as Hurricane Katrina and Rita Fund, St. Jude’s Children Hospital as well as support of many military and family programs has given him worldwide recognition. His passion for people and loyalty to the community has inspired him to develop the “Command and Control Project”.

The “Command and Control Project” is a set of principals used to guide us through everyday life using God’s spirit as our source of energy. It is taking COMMAND of those factors in life which directly affect your life and apply them positively to develop a plan, to have CONTROL over the final output. Colonel Dickerson is the first African American to own a well known and established record label; as well as a recording and production company in Thibodaux, Louisiana.

 Some of Command and Control’s projects that are special to Lt. Colonel Dickerson is the Hurricane Katrina and Rita fund, St. Jude Children’s Hospital and Alzheimer’s disease Foundation. In the late nineties his mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease which is a progressive mental deterioration of the brain that interferes with a person’s ability to function socially and to work.  Once known to be rare, Alzheimer’s disease has affected more than 4.1 million people in the US.  Raymond wrote a song on his CD called “A Song for Mama”, which was dedicated to his mother’s struggle with Alzheimer’s disease.

Because of his efforts to support and give back to the communities nationwide, Colonel Dickerson love for music and instruments inspired him to produce the top 10 chart buster “Coming Home.” This CD was sung by vocalists, Andrea Rhodes, Pam Lyles and Pam Bowman.   The creative assistance is by Steve Wilson and Steve Cheeks.

 The “Coming Home” CD is laced with smooth jazz, inspirational ballads, soulful solos and driving rhythms. The songs from the CD were based on the experiences of the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita. One of the ballads, he wrote on the CD was track #5 called  “Coming Home,” to express his experiences of dealing with the bureaucracy of today, and seeing how little progress had been made towards the rebuilding efforts along the Gulf Coast region. 25% of the proceeds of the sale of the CD “Coming Home” will be equally divided between agencies helping to rebuild the Gulf Coast Regions, St. Jude's Children Hospital, US Military Family Welfare and Moral, and the Alzheimer’s disease Foundation.

 The recent effort of the Command and Control Project and the CD “Coming Home”, has hit the charts with a very good club response in both the Chicago and Los Angeles markets. It has also made more than a 55% pick up on AAA and secondary markets. The CD “Coming Home” also broke the Atlantic Satellite 2500 buyers’ market guide posting at 2376 within three weeks.  The Command and Control Project “Coming Home”, is making a huge impact on the industry of music and has hit the internet wave by storm. 

 Colonel Raymond (Ray Charles) Dickerson has four joys in his life; faith, family, military, and music.

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