Erin Pearson

About Erin Pearson

Erin Pearson is singer/songwriter based in Santa Monica, California. Erin released her first 6 song album "Lessons on Love" back in November and is preparing to get back into the studio this August to record her first full album. Erin's musical style is a direct reflection of her diverse music background. She infuses story-like lyrics and pop chords with classical fundamentals to create a genre she refers to as "epic-pop". All of Erin's song lyrics are straight from her journal pages. As person who has a hard time expressing her feelings, Erin writes poems & songs to get out the emotions that most people can just talk about. Her debut CD is undoubedtly a wonderful consequence. Now getting through her rookie year performing her own music, Erin is now visibly feeling confident and comfortable on stage. This is one artist we should be hearing about in the media very soon!

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One Kiss

One Kiss

album: Lessons on Love

genre: Easy Listening Singer/songwriter

streams: 13

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