About Ryo Fukuzawa
The song writer and composer named Ryo Fukuzawa even kill my self alot of time and he was staying mental hospital. coz his nick name was handiecap person. and many people hate him coz he was rich.their are some girls who is kind to Ryo but they just wanted money from him. every girls ask Ryo marriage,after they got money they left him. Ryo still have pain and sad feel.and he want to find nice partner who loves him.he is hikikomori for over 10 years.he can not go to out side for scarry feel about other call his name handiecap person. only his can do thing is write music for show other his got pain.
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Press Release
Popure actress dacota fanning got Ryo's sample CD.and she said Ryo's CD is fantastic.and she wish his success for writting.some model in NY,Australia, malaysia is big fan of Ryo's music.and his song "this planet will die" got highest award on FM radio.and he alredy had 4000 fans for his music work. Ryo's song "top of the beautifull song" could be main song of game by play station or play station 2.he have many concetion to people into the show business like hollywood model.owner of recording studio in hollywood, music producer in LA and NY.Ryo's manager is doing contact to music magaszine for let people know about his music work.and Ryo's manager is doing contact to movie producer for make story about Ryo's music work.