Angelica Tucker

About Angelica Tucker

BIOGRAPHY OF ANGELICA TUCKER Angelica was born July 30, 1987 at West Pace's Ferry Hospital in Atlanta, GA and grew up in the Atlanta area. Her father is the owner of Haywood's Recording Studios (legendary) in Atlanta, so Angelica was surrounded by quality music as she was growing up, with many differences and many categories of style. She has sung for professional sports teams, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, the Trumpet awards, the Auburn Festival, and the Festival of the Trees. She has performed at the Bell Ringing Celebration of the M. L. King Center, for the Lee Harper Dancers, and at many other occasions. She is a highly sought after songwriter and lyricist by some of the biggest hip-hop producers presently. In her recent single, "Song of Life”, however, she began to branch out into other genres. The present album, “I Spread My Wings&” continues in this vein. It is a unique mixture of Classical and Soul with many beautiful melodies. It is clean and uplifting music, but at the same time very creative and original.

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Angelica Tucker

By epr2800, 2007-08-06
Angelica Tucker

<p><font size="2">Please also visit:&nbsp;</font><font size="3" color="#0000ff"><strong><a href=" "> </a></strong></font></p><p>Easy Listening Inspirational Music by Angelica Tucker </p><p>Experience something new and different in Angelica&#39;s newest album, &quot;I Spread My Wings...&quot;, in which Angelica blossoms as an up and coming young artist, combining her dual talents as both vocalist and lyricist with the beautiful melodies of composer Eric Price and the arranging skills of her father Haywood Tucker, longtime owner of the well-known &quot;Haywood&#39;s Recording Studios&quot; in Atlanta. </p><p>Our music is a unique blend of classical and soul. Experience this new fusion of styles! Be able to tell your friends that you were one of the first to hear it here before it took the country by storm! </p><p>To hear short sound clips of all 10 songs on Angelica&#39;s album, go to &quot;Music&quot;, simply click on the song you want to hear. </p><p>To download individual songs, or to buy the entire album, go to the &quot;Links&quot; section and click on &quot;Angelica Tucker - I Spread My Wings...&quot; </p><p>....or, simply click on the icon below to buy the CD immediately, and enjoy Angelica&#39;s Easy Listening Inspirational Music! </p><p><!-- CDBABY LINK for ANGELICA TUCKER: I Spread My Wings... --></p><p><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Buy the CD" width="100" height="10" /><br /><img src="" border="0" alt="album cover" width="100" height="100" /><br /><img src="" border="0" alt="click to order" width="100" height="10" /></a> </p>

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