
About Diegopoet

I am a poet who write poetry about my life and the world. I recently completed my first complete collection of my poetry, titled Shrinking the Monster, poems as prayers, answers, weapons. I immediately started working on a spoken word cd of my poetry and recorded it using my mac and garageband usb mic, I then found a brilliant musician to compose music for each individual piece of poetry, i then looked for a studio to record my vocals with the music tracks and found capricorn studios in san diego, great place, the incredible musical genius of Lenon Honor will be immediately obivious on the 12 tracks he did for the cd, for the other tracks i found music or musicians who gave me their music to use for my project, there are the great guys at stems and seeds studios and the band burnt who gave me the music for school of the americas and the great surf band from ocean beach who gave me the instumental track for my song ocean beach and finally the sound design of michael mcconnell of media local studios for his work on coffins and the sound clips on cesar chavez, enjoy the music and listen to the words and go to my web site and listen to more tracks and buy the book and cd, they are works of love and gifts to you, the cd is called unnamed bones unnamed poems, just google unnamed bones and you will find an increbible story of the bones in your body that have no names, deep in your pelvis you have the osso innominate, unknown bones, so that is what i called my cd, science does not have all the answers and it is us who must name our parts and our healing. blessings, diego go to diegopoet.com use paypal or amazon or cdbaby and tell the myspace world and all your sacred friends

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