JD & The Straight Shot

About JD & The Straight Shot

Jim "JD" Dolan
Born and raised in New York, JD has been singing and playing guitar for most of his life. Though primarily known for his business career, he has never lost his passion for music. This is his first professional effort. It definitely will not be his last.

Bruce Koplow
Bruce grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and began playing the guitar at the age of nine. By the time he reached his teens he was already playing gigs and pursuing the life of a professional musician. His insatiable appetite for Blues and Rock 'N' Roll combined with an individualistic view of the world inevitably lead him to the art of songwriting. Consequently he has become this band's most prolific contributor. As a gifted guitarist, Bruce has performed and recorded with countless bands in New York, California and Europe. Although he has remained faithful to Blues-based music, he embraces all music...as long as it's good. 

Jonny Rosch
It was always Jonny's dream to make a living as a professional musician. Armed with this purposeful and almost prurient passion, he embarked the journey of pursuing this lifelong ambition. Seemingly unaware that he was devoid of any talents or even the ability to feign competency on any musical instrument, he threw himself head first (literally) into the seductive world of the music business. Unburdened and unshackled by the natural constraints that normally accompany the harsh realities of the aforementioned truths, Jonny ventured forth, eventually carving out a relatively comfortable niche on the corner of 42nd Street and 8th Avenue in New York City, singing songs for a dime and playing his plastic lobster claw harmonica. On their way to a performance at B B Kings Blues Club, JD and the Straight Shot discovered Jonny plying his trade. Recognizing the innocence of his spirit and identifying with his commitment to seek out his muse, the band took him under their wing and eventually let him into the band...to fetch coffee and clean ashtrays and such. Currently, he resides at the bands recording/rehearsal facility oblivious to the fact that he is under house arrest. He has been known to reach level 2 on several Nintendo GameBoy games.


Classic Rhythm & Blues

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