Khaos Demon5

About Khaos Demon5

I know nothing about my my life... A.K.A. I am still a kid.

Recently Rated:

Category: O so much fighting.

What's With the People Today?

By Khaos Demon5, 2008-02-02

<font face="georgia,palatino" size="4" color="#008000"><font color="#ff0000">Man I hated the snow storm this week, it sucked, whats worse is that there was this idiot throwing snowballs at my bus from his car. What the hell is up with that! I seriously hate it when people do stupid things such as the following: People playing rap music with the real heavy bass that eventually gives you a serious head-ache, idiodic kids who think they&#39;re cool when they try to jump you, and people who are actually stupid enough to try to open a door with their voice like in the stupid sync commercials, hilarious, until they yell at you for not openning the door. Glad I got my anger out somewhere.</font><img src="/include/tiny_mce/../../images/smilies/face-devil-grin.png" border="0" alt="" width="16" height="16" /></font>