Nuclear OReilly

About Nuclear OReilly

   How did two rock musicians end up producing off-kilter electronic music and rapping to it? It's simple: unlike many others who talk the talk but can't walk the walk, they just do what they feel, always have, to hell with expectations and social codes. Frankly, we need more of that these days. Always collaborating in some way, when Jared DiDomenico and Brad Naprixas got together to write music, this is what came out. It started in 2001 as an occasional diversion, but gained momentum in 2006. The two were having fun, were proud of the music, and called it Nuclear O'Reilly.   
    Planet of the Grapes Media is a colorful and forward-thinking collective of several diverse creative projects, and Nuclear O'Reilly serves as its resident music production team. releases a new track produced by Nuclear O'Reilly every second Tuesday of the month. They release small batches to the music portals every few months. In 2008, releases will also begin to present the rock music they write individually but still produce together. As you may be figuring out, Planet of the Grapes is one big party and its main identity and focus is the pure expression of those who use it as a vehicle. Welcome to a piece of its world.


Beck, Beastie Boys. Outkast, The Streets, Jamiroquai, Bjork

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